Hoop earrings come in a plethora of designs, sizes and precious metals - including gold, silver and platinum. They are an enduring favourite and have a very long history as a desirable

Gold, silver and bronze hoop earrings are known to have been worn in a region of Africa, which is now Sudan, as far back as 2500 B.C.E.. Around a 1000 years later both men and women within Egypt were known to wear hoop earrings formed of twisted gold wire decorated with beads. This trend continued and women and high ranking men are known to have worn high carat gold hoop earrings in Ancient Greece and Rome.
Around 1000 years B.C.E. hoop type earrings where being worn by different cultures around the world - including Europe. Within Europe hoop earrings fell out of favour during the 17th and early 18th centuries - due to mainly to the fashions popular

However, hoop earrings again fell out of favour in the early 20th Century when they were associated with Romany, Latino and Native North American cultures and were not considered desirable by mainstream shoppers at the time. That view was short-lived though as in 1922 King Tutankhamun's tomb was rediscovered and led to a period of Egyptian revival jewellery - featuring gold hoop earrings.
Since then hoop earrings have maintained popularity, partly because they are easy to wear and partly because they have featured heavily throughout popular culture being worn by iconic women including Josephine Baker, Marilyn Monroe, Diana Ross, Cher and Jennifer Lopez.
As hoop earrings are available in a multitude of sizes and designs you are sure to find a pair (or two) to suit your style. Explore our collection of vintage and antique hoop earrings here